Northern Cardinal by Sumiko Onishi 2016

Here are the totals from the 2016 Christmas Bird Count. It was a productive day thanks in large part to everyone who helped out. On behalf of PIBO, thanks to Karen F., Alyssa and Matt S., Ron T., Kim G., Brian and Lisa K., Kirk G. and family, and Fred and Debbie B. These results have been sent to our friends in Ohio who will include them in the official Erie Islands count.


Species Total

Canada Goose 844

Trumpeter Swan 1

Tundra Swan 144

American Black Duck 2

Mallard 24

Greater Scaup 5

Lesser Scaup 22

White-winged Scoter 2

Bufflehead 408

Common Goldeneye 447

Red-breasted Merganser 19

Common Merganser 2

Ruddy Duck 1

Ring-necked Pheasant 30

Wild Turkey 158

Bald Eagle 10

Northern Harrier 13

Cooper’s Hawk 2

Red-shouldered Hawk 1

Red-tailed Hawk 9

Rough-legged Hawk 1

Peregrine Falcon 1

Sandhill Crane 83

Killdeer 2

Ring-billed Gull 9

Herring Gull 14

Great Black-backed Gull 4

Mourning Dove 24

Eastern Screech-Owl 1

Red-bellied Woodpecker 28

Downy Woodpecker 43

Northern Flicker 10

Blue Jay 24

American Crow 49

Horned Lark 59

Black-capped Chickadee 50

Red-breasted Nuthatch 1

White-breasted Nuthatch 14

Brown Creeper 12

Winter Wren 1

Carolina Wren 16

Golden-crowned Kinglet 13

Hermit Thrush 6

American Robin 27

European Starling 814

American Pipit 40

Lapland Longspur 1

Snow Bunting 98

Yellow-rumped Warbler 7

Eastern Towhee 2

American Tree Sparrow 142

Song Sparrow 9

White-throated Sparrow 20

Dark-eyed Junco 118

Northern Cardinal 103

Red-winged Blackbird 44

Common Grackle 30

Brown-headed Cowbird 192

House Finch 14

American Goldfinch 35

House Sparrow 97


(waterfowl spp.) 300

(scaup spp.) 1500

(gull spp.) 26

(raptor spp.) 3


Individuals 6231

Species 61


Count Week

Pied-billed Grebe 1

Great Blue Heron 1

Snowy Owl 1

Northern Saw-whet Owl 1

White-crowned Sparrow 1