For 24 hours, beginning at noon on Friday, May 6, teams of birders will compete for the coveted Botham Cup on Pelee Island. Formerly known as the Baillie Birdathon, the goal is to spot the most bird species in 24 hours. The winners in 2019 recorded 124 species, including a Least sandpiper and a Blue-winged warbler! Scores will be announced and the Botham Cup awarded at the Springsong Gala on Saturday night, May 7, in a ceremony featuring Margaret Atwood and her Melodious Rubber Chicken Choir. Teams must register before noon on May 6 at the Pelee Island Heritage Centre. Please note: the winning team must be green – no internal-combustion vehicles allowed, only electric vehicles, bicycles and foot-power. Teams with cars are welcome, but compete in a separate category.

Botham Cup bird race, 2015