PIBO and its partner organizations are working to achieve Nature Canada’s Bird Friendly City designation for Windsor. To that end, we need to demonstrate that Windsor satisfies the following three criteria:
- Reduction of human-related threats to birds, such as light control and pesticide use;
- Habitat protection, restoration, and climate resiliency with regard to native plant and pollinator species, increasing the tree canopy and other “green infrastructure” initiatives;
- Community outreach/education, ensuring public access to resources for native-plant growing and establishing natural habitats on private land.
While these categories relate to some extent to the city’s management of public land, there are opportunities within each category for Windsor landscapers to play a supportive role and provide us with information and advice on how to better promote the development and maintenance of bird-friendly habitats in the city’s private spaces.
With the information gathered from this survey, we hope to partner with groups such as Landscape Ontario as we work towards a Bird Friendly City designation for Windsor.
All responses are confidential, and the survey may be completed anonymously. We’ll use all responses to guide planning, but only unidentified group data will be used for reporting.