
Migration Summary May 31st – June 10th, 2018

A Black-crowned Night-heron flying over Fox Pond. Photo by Connor Hawey. May 31st: This was the last day of banding for the spring 2018 migration monitoring season; The census continues through June 10th. Banding has been very slow lately; on the last day of banding, only a Yellow Warbler and a Red-winged Blackbird were banded.

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Migration Summary May 24th-May 30th

Female Connecticut warbler by Connor Hawey May 23rd: We banded 32 birds of 16 species today which we consider good for this late in the season. Flycatchers continue to be abundant including eastern-wood pewees and some Empidonax species as well. We were visited by 27 students from Western Secondary School who enjoyed seeing a wood

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Migration Summary April 24th- May 15th, 2018

April 24th saw our first standard count American White Pelican, there were two seen on the census. We observed our first Chimney Swifts on April 25th. On the 27th, a single Horned Lark landed nearby on the beach giving us great views! Throughout the end of April, we consistently saw Rusty Blackbirds in the netting

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Migration Summary April 1st- 23rd, 2018

The 2018 count season officially opened with the census starting April 1st. The early census counts had strong numbers of waterbirds such as Pied-billed Grebes and Bufflehead. Early spring sparrows were counted in high numbers right from the start; these include Dark-eyed Juncos and American Tree Sparrows. Flocks of blackbirds, mostly Red-winged Blackbirds and some

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PIBO Fundraising Dinner 2018

Tickets for our most exclusive fundraising event of the year are now available, and we hope you will join us for this memorable event. Madeleine Thien was born in Vancouver, the daughter of Malaysian-Chinese immigrants to Canada. Her most recent novel, Do Not Say We Have Nothing, about art, music and revolution in 20th century China, won the 2016

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2017 Christmas Bird Count totals

Here are the combined totals for the Christmas Bird Count including Kelley’s, Pelee, and the Bass islands – an impressive 39,138 birds of eighty-two species! Thanks to John Pogacnik for the final total. Species Total Canada Goose 1314 Tundra Swan 51 Gadwall 19 American Black Duck 25 Mallard 618 Canvasback 3 Redhead 151 Ring-necked Duck

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We’re hiring a summer student

Avian Field Assistant (student position) Anticipated start date: May 1st, 2018 Anticipated end date: July 3rd, 2018 Hourly wage: $14.00 Location: Pelee Island Ontario Job Description:  PIBO’s Field Assistant (FA) will carry-out constant-effort mist netting and bird banding every morning during their two-month stay on Pelee Island. Depending on experience, the FA will help conduct

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New spring event

  Spring is a busy time for us and for the migratory birds. To celebrate its arrival, PIBO is hosting a new event this year. On March 24th (the first Saturday of spring) at 7 PM join us for an evening of classical music. In collaboration with the Windsor Symphony Orchestra and the Capitol Theater, “A Night

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Migration Summary November 1st to 15th, 2017

View of Fox Pond. Photo by Sachi Schott As always, November has been the month for waterfowl. The tip of Fish Point is now denuded of Double-crested Cormorants and American White Pelicans, and instead has been hosting Canada Geese, along with a small number of gulls. The first Common Goldeneye of the season was seen

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Migration Summary October 15th-31st 2017

Double rainbow at Fish Point. Photo by Patrick Kramer The second fortnight of October began with a morning of north winds, during which PIBO banded 121 birds. Most of them were the ubiquitous Ruby-crowned Kinglets and Golden-crowned Kinglets, but Hermit Thrushes and Myrtle Warblers also continued to be common. By the following day the wind

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Migration Summary October 1st-15th 2017

Golden-crowned Kinglet. Photo by Sumiko Onishi October began sedately, with relatively few birds banded. Since the bulk of the warbler migration has already passed through Pelee Island, we entered a fallow period as we waited for the sparrows and kinglets to arrive. These groups (along with Hermit Thrushes, which are the last of the Catharus

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