
Golden eagle

Eagles in Trouble Again

A study published in Science in February found that North American eagles are being seriously impacted by lead poisoning. Up to 50 percent of the birds sampled had high levels of lead in their organs, enough to slow population growth by 3.8 percent in Bald eagles and 0.8 percent in Golden eagles. The Bald eagle

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Song Sparrow

Song Sparrows Remember

A study published in January found that male Song sparrows sing a repertoire of up to 12 two-second songs in sets lasting about 30 minutes – repeating a single song many times in a row within each set. During the next set, the males repeat the same 12 songs, but this time, vary the length

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PIBO Update

PIBO in Canadian Wildlife Magazine

PIBO was interviewed for the March/April 2021 edition of Canadian Wildlife Magazine which features a special report on migratory birds.  You can pick up a hard copy at Indigo Books or subscribe through the CWF website. Thank you to Matthew Church, Editor at CWF Magazine and Brian Banks, writer for highlighting the plight of our

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PIBO Update

Diana Beresford-Kroeger Reading Group

  On Monday evening PIBO facilitated the first in a series of bookclub meetings for over 2 dozen people. Reading from Diana Beresford-Kroeger’s two books, participants will discuss, reflect and create action items on various topics spanning habitat creation, nature immersion, species protection and more! Special thanks to Pat Jeflyn and Lorraine Steele for gathering

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Migration Summary

Migration Summary November 1-15, 2019

Migration Report for November 1 to 15 By Kathy Parker   After a balmy September and October, fall weather set in on Hallowe’en and we were not able to open the nets at the banding station since October 30th.  Due to high winds, the public owling night was postponed from November 2nd to the 3rd. 

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PIBO Update

Migration Summary for the latter half of October

The start of this 2- week period seemed more like summer than fall with green leaves on the trees and warm temperatures.  The forest floor had a beautiful carpet of fallen leaves in reds, oranges, and golds. On the 16th it was very windy and a jaeger (closely related to gulls) was seen on the

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PIBO Update

Diana Beresford-Kroeger Green Carpet Event

  PIBO welcomes world-renowned botanist, biochemist and author to Windsor for a Green Carpet event on Sunday, November 3rd.  Diana Beresford-Kroeger’s startling insights into the hidden life of trees have already sparked a quiet revolution in how we understand our relationship to forests. Now, in a captivating account of how her life led her to

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Migration Summary

Migration Summary October 1st- 15th, 2019

The first half of October felt more like summer than autumn.  The weather has been warm and the leaves on the trees are still green, with just a touch of colour in the woods from the crimson Virginia Creepers. It has been quiet but steady at the banding station with the influx of the birds

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PIBO Update

In Memoriam of Graeme Gibson

Graeme Gibson, 1934-2019. On September 18th our long time chairperson and champion of birds passed away peacefully at the University College Hospital in London England. Since its inception in 2002, Graeme was a pivotal part of PIBO’s work. His passion and advocacy for birds everywhere, especially on Pelee Island matched with his kindness, humour and

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