Donors, Sponsors, Members & Partners
Individual Donors
Margaret Atwood
Rosamond Ivey
Scott Griffin
Andrew Stewart
Paul Maranger and Robert Brown
Bruce Bailey
Elizabeth Osuch
Suzanne Ivey Cook
Rick Masse
Denton Creighton
Margaret Devos
Ric McBrier
Julie Jacobson
Sandra Gulland
Dean & Peggy Singleton
Jack Goodwin
Kenneth Wagner
Johanna Foster
Chris Stepien
Karen Albu
Luke Alexiou
Sawsan Alhaddad
Christine Anger
Birgit and Robert Bateman
Janet Bayley
Diane Bays
Margaret Benson
Maya Berger
Soharn Boyagoda
Pearl Bradd
Nancy Bradshaw
Lynne Brittain
Beverly Brookman
Bonnie Brooks
David Caron
Daniel Catt
Sarah Colwell
Ioana Cornea
Chris Van Cryenest
Dean Cummer
Anthony Davidson
Kim DeBrass
Jamie Depolla
Michelle Duister
Deborah Egan
Patricia Eisenberg
Kim Etherington-Reid
Kimberly Fahner
Marc Fleisher
Johanna Foster
Jennifer Franklin
Kathy Gerylo
June Gilhespy
Deborah Goldblatt
J. Graham
Jean Granto
Kim Graybiel
Shirley Grondin
Anna Haine
Janet Heffer
Kelley Hishon
Gill Holmes
Kristi Honey
Henri Jacques
Lori Karny
Theresa Kavanaugh
Heather Kembel
Marnie Kidd
Pat Lenz
Rich Lewis
Marie Lloyd
Linda Rice Lorenzetti
Branden Lunansky
Gary Maw
Kathy M’Closkey
Mary Meanwell
Barbara Milne
Martin Mittelstaedt
Gavin Morito-Karn
Norman Nehmerallah
Marc Ngui
Mark O’Neil
Susan Page
Marion Parsons
Pamela Perrault
Rosanne Petrich
Richard Pop
Coleen Quinn
Janet Quinn
Ceta Ramkhalawansingh
William Ross
Peter Scheller
Phil Sheridan
Renee Silberman
Ivor Simmons
Merilyn Simonds
Patricia Somerville
Hannah Tefler
Katrina Thach
Kathryn Tiessen
Daniel Turko
Rachel Vander
Gabriel Villard
Martha Watson
Jeffry Weisman
Bruce Wheatley
Cynthia Wheatley
Randy Wilson
Birds of a Feather
We proudly launched our Birds of a Feather Membership campaign in April, 2024.
Sustaining Members
Margaret Atwood, in memory of Graeme Gibson

Supporting Members
Lorna Crozier
Deborah Egan
Leib Lurie
Susan Page
Lynn Baker
Janet Bayley
Danny Catt
Ardith Ekdahl
Richard Peddie
Ceta Ramkhalawansingh
Martha Watson
John Ambrose
Sarah Brown
Steve Burrows
Justin Connidis
Cynthia Dunlavy
Wayne Grady
Anna Hartle
Julian Hawkins
Nelson Ho, dedicated to Kate Harrison
Patricia Jaeger
Heather Kembel
David Kraus
E.K. McAdams
Carol Mackenzie
Gordon McTaggart
Grant Munroe
Mark Peck
Pure Pelee
Peter Scheller
Merilyn Simonds
Russ & Lynn Smith
John Stephen
Kathleen Sturba
David Young
Joan Winerals
Catherine Wismer
Patricia Woodford, dedicated to Sumiko Onishi and Grae Gibson

Birds of a Feather Donations
Ann Oliver
Catherine Wismer, in memory of Alison Gordon
Marylee Stephenson, in memory of Carey Margaret Stephenson (Momma)
Foundations & Grantors
Extra Pocket / Margaret Atwood
Employment and Social Development Canada (Canada Summer Jobs)
TD Friends of the Environment
McBurney Foundation
K.M Hunter Charitable Foundation
Michael and Honor de Pencier Foundation
The Butterfield Family Foundation
Work to Grow (Nature Canada)
United Way
2024 Sponsors
We are proud to announce our Sponsorship campaign, launched in March 2024.

Camino Silvestre, Audubon de México, and friends in San Miguel de Allende, sponsors of PIBO’s 2024 Guest Birder and 2024 International Intern

Corporate Donors

Labatt Brewing Co. Ltd.
Balzacs’s Coffee Roasters
Mantella Corporation
Penguin Random House Canada
Stray Dog Designs
Wings over the Rockies Nature Festival
Quest Nature Tours

Allies & Partners
Avinet Research Supplies
Birds Canada
BirdLife International
Canadian Migration Monitoring Network
Nature Canada
Nature Conservancy Canada
Ontario Bird Banding Association
Chatham-Kent Tourism
Municipality of Leamington
Municipality of Pelee Island
Tourism Windsor Essex Pelee Island
Windsor Public Library
WEST (Women’s Enterprise Skills Training)

Special Events Donors
2024 Flyways Online Auction
Margaret Atwood
Salah Bachir
Steve Burrows
Ian Davidson
Long Branch Mosaics
Castle Potentino
Valerie Pringle
Damian Rogers
Julia and Dan Tully
Jacob Yerex

2024 Sunset Cocktail Party
AguaMiel Catering
Margaret Atwood
Daniel Beltran
Steve Erickson
Alfredo Gárcia-Lucio
Kathy Gerylo
Chris Hixson
Jim McKeever & Alfredo Gárcia-Lucio
Friends of BirdLife International event Auction
Adventure Canada
Castle Potentino
Margaret Atwood
These acknowledgments cover the period January 2024 through December 2024.