The Great Backyard Bird Count

The annual Great Backyard Bird Count is being held this year from February 14 to 17. A joint annual event sponsored by Cornell University, Audubon, and Birds Canada, in which participants make a note of the birds in their backyards, and communicate the data to Cornell. Participants decide where they want to observe, for example their backyard bird feeder, watch the feeder for 15 minutes at least once over the four days of the Count, record the species and the number of individuals seen or heard within each species, and upload those numbers to their eBird Mobile App or enter their bird list on the eBird website on their laptops. For more information or to download the eBird app, go to

3 House finches
Three House finches: Count the birds in your backyard for 15 minutes, then send your tally to eBird.
Photo by Richard Cooper